Sunday 31 July 2011

Week 16- Brandi -Welcome to Spartanburg,SC!

I was so excited when Stanley finally got here! The FIRST thing we did was laundry (as seen above) because I had like 6 loads to do! After that we went to Great Clips with hubs so he could get a haircut. Stanley got a trim too! I gave him one of our coupons to save him some money.

The next day Stanley and I slept in. He was rather tired from traveling.  That night we went to a local brewery called RJ Rockers. Stanley got a little tipsy on Son of a Peach (peach beer). We bought a growler for him to bring home.
This is Liz, Stanley and myself at RJ Rockers... it was a little warm in there, but the beer was really cold!

This is the growler and Stanley!
This is Stanley with the growler of Son of a Peach. Stanley had a great time. He asked to take the growler with him to Kyla's house, but he realized that he wouldn't be able to carry it.

We took Stanley on golf outing the weekend he was here. He played well, but didn't win the tournament.

Before Stanley left, I took him to my alma mater, Winthrop University. We visited Tillman Hall, the admissions building...
Then we visited the building that all of my classes were in.

Then after that Stanley went swimming and almost got in trouble with Campus PD.

My friend and I took Stanley around a few more places on Campus.

Michael and I sadly hugged Stanley goodbye and sent him on his way to Washington. Good Luck in your travels little buddy!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Week 15 - Megan L, North Carolina!

Hello TN world!  Sorry this has taken so long, it's been a chaotic couple of weeks and then, of course, my computer broke.  Some pictures have also been lost, But better late than never!

I was so excited when Stanley arrived from his long voyage over the Atlantic.  He seemed a bit tired and desperately wanted to stretch his legs a bit.  So we kind of just relaxed that first night and hung out.  When Colin came home, he was very intrigued by his uniform.  After talking a bit about what is was like to be a Marine, he asked if he could join Colin at work the following day.   Now, Colin said yes of course but we informed Stanley that he had to be dressed appropriately if he wanted to go on base.
PFC Lambchop reporting for duty!

Stanley was shocked to see how much gear the guys have to carry around!

Some of the Marines wanted to show Stanley how it felt to get "knife handed" haha.

Stanley was warned to stay away....

Oh no Stanley!  Not the shredder!

Well after all of that, Stanley was ready to come home and just relax.  He and Keira bonded so quickly and became super close!

  I think Keira may have had a little crush on Stanley, as seen by the smooching.

If Stanley could have blushed, I think he would have.

Then July 4th was upon us!  Since Colin was deploying the next day, we decided to throw a big party.  Stanley was the life of the whole event!  He even beat a bunch of guys playing beer pong.

Unfortunately, Stanley doesn't hold his liquor well, and soon after this we found him passed out on our toilet.

The next day was a sad day for the Leitch household, so Stanley graciously stayed behind while we did our goodbyes (plus, he had a wicked hangover!).  He did give me a nice hug when I returned that evening, and then we all hit the hay.

We had a really nice picture of Stanley holding an American flag, but I fear it may have gotten lost in the chaos.  We hope Stanley enjoyed being here as much as we enjoyed having him!  He is becoming quite the worldly man!

Saturday 9 July 2011

Week 14 - Emma - UK

Ok ladies, this has been a LOOOONNNNGGGG time coming because we'll I dropped my camera and well anyway its been away to a man, and because I'm a secret blonde I sent my memory card too!

The only pictures I have left are when we took Stanley drinking to our local bar, he got to play on stage, met some crackers people, had fun in a Gothic Wonderland (my friends house), and got sooooo drunk it was unbelievable, (I blame Kate for that she gave him his first taste of JD)!

He played Guitar and the whole world stopped and listened!

The hubster and Stan